Memento Mori Lab is an exploration of art and creativity
I look for ways to express myself on blank pages. I am not defined by one art style, or medium or topic. Though I do love to make digital art, I plan to explore a lot of different mediums in this lifetime. I do not take any of this too seriously, and you shouldn't either. I draw stuff and make stuff because I cannot NOT do it.
Memento Mori is a reminder that we are going to die. Very few things are as important as we make them out to be. Considering we have an unknown expiration date, I'd say my biggest goal right now is finding joy in the everyday life.
The Cubists
Polaroid Sketches

It all started with this balloon
I posted this on August 6th, 2020, two days before my birthday.
"With each birthday, the pile of regrets grew taller, but I stopped growing a while ago. I’m not growing shorter, yet. Life has a way to go by its own pace, not concerned about too soon or too late. Time moves faster with each celebration. Seconds move slowly but years in a heartbeat."